Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


Free Fiction Tuesday – THE DEVIL’S AGENT

This week’s Free Fiction Tuesday story is actually a novella, and it has a fun little origin tale. I wrote it back in 2003, and the protagonist is a writer who sells his soul to the devil to get published, only to have the devil reject his soul as unsuitable. Selling one’s soul is always foolish, but in 2013, a writer who would sell his soul to get published is particularly stupid.

So I rewrote THE DEVIL’S AGENT to reflect that. Grab the links to the story below!


Available at Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, and Amazon Canada.

Paul Krieger wants to be a published writer. A real published writer, with a real publisher, and not some loser with a bunch of self-published ebooks. But no matter what he writes, he just can’t seem to break into print.

So when Satan’s literary agent, a man named Mr. Woland, offers to sign Paul as a client, the offer is just too good to refuse.

But then Paul’s loved ones start disappearing.

And wars break out across the planet, along with famines and plagues.

And Paul realizes that maybe he should have read the fine print a little more carefully…

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