Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost in the HuntGhost In the MazeUncategorized


Now that GHOST IN THE MAZE has been out for a week, I’ve gotten a number of questions about it, the most common of which is “when is the next book GHOST IN THE HUNT coming out?” Read on for spoiler-free answers!

1.) When is GHOST IN THE HUNT coming out?

I plan to start working on it as soon as FROSTBORN: THE IRON TOWER is done, and I’m currently on Chapter 10 of 24 of THE IRON TOWER. So if all goes well, I’ll start writing it towards the end of July, and it should come out around September.

Signing up for my new-release newsletter means you’ll get notified when the book comes out, along with a coupon code for a free short story. 🙂

2.) Are any of the old THE GHOSTS characters coming back in GHOST IN THE HUNT?

Three of them. Two of them will be glad to see Caina, and one will not.

Both GHOST IN THE COWL and GHOST IN THE MAZE had Caina as the only point-of-view character, but GHOST IN THE HUNT will have three. Caina, a returning POV character from the previous books, and a new POV character.

3.) How many books will GHOST EXILE be?

I don’t know yet. I’ve plotted out the entire GHOST EXILE arc, but I’m not entirely sure how that will divide out into individual books. Like, Nasser wasn’t  supposed to show up until GHOST IN THE HUNT, but he turned up in GHOST IN THE MAZE because he’s persuasive like that. 🙂


4 thoughts on “questions for GHOST IN THE HUNT & GHOST IN THE MAZE

  • Thankyou that answers basicly all my questions. Everything is so clear to me now. I have never felt this good about a book I have never read. 🙂

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! I hope that good feeling continues after I actually write the book. 🙂

  • Mike Jenck

    In GHOST IN THE MAZE you had 1001 heartbeats before a person would die. In Ghost in the Mask it was exactly 777. Is this the difference between the type of sorcery or was this a typo?

    • jmoellerwriter

      Yes, it is the difference between the types of sorcery. The magi of Caer Magia used necromancy, but Samnirdamnus does not.



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