Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller



I am pleased to report that FROSTBORN: THE HIGH LORDS is now finished, and I will start uploading it as soon as I finish writing this post.

Look for the new-release newsletter later this week! If you haven’t already subscribed to the list, you might want to do so – subscribers will get a free copy of the short story THE BONE ORCS when the newsletter goes out.

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8 thoughts on “FROSTBORN: THE HIGH LORDS is finished

  • Tarun Elankath

    Congrats! Can’t wait until it gets visible on amazon. I like the Frostborn series quite a bit and have read every book, though in the last book the plot device of enemies raiding the camp while the heroes are asleep and clueless got old real quick.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! Hope you enjoy it.

      In my defense, Sun Tzu was strongly in favor of setting fire to the enemy camp at night and attacking while they fled. 🙂

  • Jlh682

    That was a quick upload to Amazon. Looks like I have my reading for the night.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book.

  • Cindie Douglas

    Sorry Mr. Moeller,
    Up until the high lords, I enjoyed the Frostborn Series. I dont think I can read any more of this series. Why? Because you (REDACTED FOR SPOILERS). I was pleased to find you had made Morigna the love interest of the series instead of Calliande. A nice break from the usual blond haired, blue eyed, soft spoken love interest that usually wins the hero. But no, you (REDACTED FOR SPOILERS). For Shame
    The two characters with the most personality are (were) Morigna and Jaeger. So unless you plan on some how (REDACTED FOR SPOILERS), we will be saying adieu

    • jmoellerwriter

      Sorry to hear FROSTBORN has lost you as a reader, but thank you for reading this far!


  • I started this series late, but I have recently read The High Lords, and I feel the exact same way as Ms. Douglas. I was happy that Morigna was the love interest, which went against the predictable plot and then disappointed how things happened to open the way for the future predictable coupling. Definitely a missed opportunity to keep an interesting character and less traditional plot.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      It may please you to know that I get as many unhappy emails about the ending of THE IRON TOWER when Ridmark starts a relationship with Morigna instead of Calliande. 🙂


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