Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Child of the GhostsThe GhostsUncategorized


I don’t usually link to reviews, but I’ll make an exception in this review of CHILD OF THE GHOSTS, because it’s always nice to find a reviewer who understands exactly what the writer was trying to do with the book.

Q: You’re a plucky fantasy heroine at an upper-class ball, working undercover for a super secret assassin society. You’re wearing a fancy dress and flirting with a brooding hunk. Then you think you see the super evil necromancer villain of the piece across the room talking to your fellow spy. Do you:

A1: Continue to giggle at the compliments of the brooding hunk while gazing into his intriguing vermilion orbs and checking out his 8-pack. Assume it’s nothing and the villain can wait for another day. Feel terribly bad later when your fellow spy’s necromantically drained body shows up.

A2: Make an excuse to the brooding hunk, duck into a corner, rip your dress to make a mask, steal a crossbow from a guard, shoot the villain in the head with a poisoned bolt from said crossbow, stab him repeatedly with your hidden daggers in various vital organs, then throw him off a balcony.

If you gave the second answer, then this book may be for you.

Caina’s answer to the question “Why Don’t You Just Shoot Him?” would be that she had shot the person in question ten minutes ago.



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