Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller



I am pleased to report that FROSTBORN: EXCALIBUR Is now available in audiobook, as excellently narrated by Brad Wills! You can listen to it at Audible, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon AU, and iTunes.

EXCALIBUR is the 13th FROSTBORN book, and there are only two left. I really would like to have the entire series in audio, and right now the tentative plan is for Brad to record THE DRAGON KNIGHT and THE SHADOW PRISON back to back start in December.

So if all goes well the entire FROSTBORN series will be available in audio in the first half of 2022.

And then once Podium finishes recording the final two DRAGONTIARNA audiobooks, you will be able to listen to the entire FROSTBORN/SEVENFOLD SWORD/DRAGONTIARNA saga from beginning to end for over three hundred hours of fantasy adventure!


One thought on “FROSTBORN: EXCALIBUR now in audio!

  • Brad Wills

    Thanks, Jonathan. As the narrator of this series starting with Book #6, THE DARK WARDEN, I can honestly say that I am heartbroken to see the end in sight. Not only have these characters lived in my head for the past three years, they have also lived in my heart and soul, and saying goodbye to them will be like losing a phalanx of beloved friends and family. I have fought with them, hurt with them, persevered with them, been weary with them, loved with them, and cried with them. I know that some might die; that some relationships are predestined never to be; that some will be changed irrevocably; that the end might not really BE an end. And I know that I will be in tears during a great portion of it, and that my editor, Neil Kesterson, will have a monumental task in patching together passages that I simply won’t be able to get through for all the tears and snot.

    That said, I’m still dying to know how it all turns out. I’ve not yet read the remaining two books – and boy oh boy, did EXCALIBUR end on a cliffhanger that had me quite literally grasping the manuscript and gasping out loud – and no doubt Jonathan has crafted something spectacular with his unbelievably fecund imagination and gift for wonderful, character-oriented dialogue. So I’m both dreading and ready…Dready?

    [DREADY (adj.) – a portmanteau describing the feeling of intense anticipation for any given event, even though its outcome will inevitably prove to be bittersweet or downright sad.]

    Until then, enjoy EXCALIBUR. I found it to be very exciting and quite gripping, with countless moments of goosebump inducing thrills.



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