Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

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Reader Question Day #1

Manwe writes:

Will you be playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?

Almost certainly. It generally takes me a long time to finish computer games (Knights of the Old Republic took me five years, Planescape: Torment took me six, and I still haven’t finished Dragon Age 2), but I’ll get to it next year. I greatly enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion, and suspect that I’ll enjoy Skyrim. I do know that I will definitely, this very day, be getting the soundtrack – the composer Jeremy Soule is offering a special 4-disc edition of the soundtrack, and I liked his soundtracks from Morrowind and Oblivion, which are also for sale on his site.

Computer game soundtracks are a hobby of mine – they make excellent music to listen to while writing.

Did you see the last Potter film/do you like the series?

I did see the last Potter film. I thought it was better than “Deathly Hollows Part I”, which should have been subtitled “Harry Potter Goes Camping For A Really Long Time.” I was amused at how they added the teleporting wrestling match between Harry and Voldemort at the end.

The movies are enjoyable. It’s remarkable that the films ended the series with the same actors in every single film. The books, of course, are much better, and exponentially better than Twilight.

Are you interested in “Immortals?”

Actually, I wasn’t even aware of it until just now. So, probably not.

Are you ever going to give “The Old Republic” a try? (or are you not into mmos)

No. I never got into MMORPGs at all, mostly because I wouldn’t spend enough time playing to justify the monthly expense. That said, I greatly enjoyed “Knights of the Old Republic” (which did take me five years to finish), and KoToR remains one of my favorite RPGs.

Needless to say, if I can get my hands on “The Old Republic” soundtrack, I will be buying that.

Kallinikos writes:

Will you get a Kindle Fire?

No. I have a Toshiba Thrive tablet, which does everything a Kindle Fire can do, along with additional functionality (SD card reader, USB ports, cameras, HDMI out, and other functions). That said, if I didn’t have a Thrive, I’d probably get a Fire, even though it is quite obviously engineered from the ground up to hook you into the Amazon ecosystem.

Still, I would wait until I read a sufficient number of reviews before committing to buying one. $199 is cheaper than most other tablets out there, but it’s still a goodly chunk of change.

(And if you’re already into the Amazon ecosystem, you know where you have to go next.)

Philip9432 writes:

As a self-published author, do you get annoyed when traditionally published writers attack self-publishing?

No. I’ve made much more money self-publishing (and through blog ads) than I ever did querying agents and editors. (And I’m very grateful to everyone who’s bought one of my books, or clicked on the ads on one of my sites.)

I remember reading a comment on Jim C. Hines’s blog from a woman who argued that she would never, ever self-publish, that she would work and work on her writing until one day she was good enough to know the validation of seeing her name on the spine of a traditionally published book in a real bookstore.

Bah. Well, just between you and me, I’ve known that validation (with the hardback version of Demonsouled back in 2005), and if I had to choose between that validation and the money I’ve made self-publishing, I’d take the money. Validation’s nice, but validation and a nickel will buy you 10% of a twelve-ounce can of Coke Zero.

johnwellsjones writes:

What was the best book you read this year?

“Knights of Dark Renown” by David Gemmell and “Mockingjay” by Suzanne Collins.

For nonfiction, “How Rome Fell” by Adrian Goldsworthy.

That’s Reader Question Day for this week. If you have a question, leave it in the comments or send an email to jmcontact at, and I’ll answer it next week.


2 thoughts on “Reader Question Day #1

  • Manwe

    Wow my comments got turned into a post?! Yay me! 😀
    But now for my response; sorry that it is a little late, I have been very busy…gaming 😉

    -Buy Skyrim, it is AMAZING, period. It improves the TES formula in so, so many ways. Needless to say, if you loved Morrowind and Oblivion, you WILL love this one! (why do you think my comments were late…I was busy playing Skyrim, lol!)
    -The soundtrack, I totally agree with you, its awesome! Especially the main theme, this is the best rendition yet. I will be buying the 4 disc CE soon.
    -Like you, my imagination is also fueled by music (film, game, or otherwise). It really does help!
    -Glad you saw the last Potter movie, it was very good IMHO, one of my favorites of the series actually. And yes, while I enjoyed Part 1, this one was far better, and Part 1 really should have been called “Harry Potter Goes Camping For A Really Long Time.” That or “Harry Potter the ever increasingly angst ridden teen, goes on a bad camping trip for most of this film” But I think your title was more catchy 🙂
    -HP versus twilight; how could you even suggest a comparison between the two?!
    -As for “Immortals”, just saw it yesterday. Not bad, some slow parts, but it picked up in the end. If you like movies about Greek Mythology, check it out when it hits dvd. Warning: NOT FOR KIDS or the squimish: it has to be one of the more violent movies I have ever seen. There are whole scenes of the movie that are nothing but carnage with bodies being hewed in slow motion. It was some of the most fantastical violence I have seen on film, so while violent yes, its nothing like horror movie violence (as in Saw or Hostel, eww)
    -Just played the “Old republic” beta this weekend. I know you dont play mmos, but you are missing out on this one, especially if you liked the “Knights of the Old Republic” series. It is not like other mmos, Bioware really did itself proud with this one, it is basically “Knight of the Old Republic” online. Most of the game is soloable, you have companions, a dialogue wheel to enhance conversation, plenty of cut scenes and story, superb vioce acting, the works. Oh, and yes you’ll want the soundtrack, it’s quite good (with plenty of the film’s themes mixed in). Look, I know your not into mmos, but if you ever have the chance, so your self a favor and at least try it to see what I mean, it really is like a regular bioware game, just mmo-ed a bit. So if you get a chance, sign up for the beta to test it (its release date is Dec 20th), or when there is a free trial give it a go. It’s quite good, and very different than your standard mmo.

    -I see you read a Gemmell book, I like him as well, but I never read the one you mentioned, is it worth my time?

  • jmoellerwriter

    “I see you read a Gemmell book, I like him as well, but I never read the one you mentioned, is it worth my time?”

    Oh, yes. I think “Knights of Dark Renown” was one of his best.


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