Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Soul of TyrantsUncategorized

SOUL OF TYRANTS – 3,000 copies

I’m very pleased to report that SOUL OF TYRANTS, the second book in the DEMONSOULED series, has passed 3,000 copies sold. (3,002, to be precise.)

I post this not to brag, but to say two things.

First, to thank everyone who bought a copy. I used to joke that if I had a book out, I would have two guaranteed sales. My mom, and some guy who would mistake it for something else, possibly a transmission repair manual for a 2003 Ford Focus. They both bought copies (thanks, Mom!) – and so did 3,000 other people. Thanks, everyone!

Second, to point out how strange this ebook thing is. I wrote SOUL OF TYRANTS almost seven years ago, and gave up hope of trying to get it published something like three years ago. And now here we are, with three thousand copies sold, and two sequels available, as well. There are people who argue that self-published ebooks are bad for authors, bad for publishers, and bad for, well, all of Western Civilization.

Don’t believe them. If not for ebooks, SOUL OF TYRANTS would never have seen the light of day. I think ebooks will have as big an impact as the printing press, and we’re only just seeing the beginning.


2 thoughts on “SOUL OF TYRANTS – 3,000 copies

  • Awesome! 3k and still kickin’! If someone ever argues with you over the worth of the ebook format, just step back and point to yourself; your a great example of the success one can have with the ebook format. And I’m not being sarcastic here, going from hardly anything published (and none of the published things selling enough to warrant their continued publishing) to selling in the thousands (actually more like tens of thousands if you combine all your sales), that is a real success story! So even though I have said it before, I’d like to say it again, congratulations!
    I used to be one of the naysayers of the ebook format, that was until I saw what people like you did with it. While I still prefer the codex, I think ebooks are here to stay, and that for an author, they are worth looking into.

    • jmoellerwriter


      I, too, am surprised by how much my thinking has shifted in the last year.


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