Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Reader Question DayUncategorized

Reader Question Day #50 – the new series

A few people have asked what I intend to do for my next series after DEMONSOULED is finished. This seems like an excellent topic for the first Reader Question Day of the new year!

I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to do for the new series. It will be sword-and-sorcery/epic fantasy series, and so far I’ve cautiously titled it FROSTBORN. (This might change, though.) I haven’t set anything in stone yet, but here are some things I want to include in the series:

-The main character will be male, since when I want to write a book with a female protagonist, I have THE GHOSTS and Caina Amalas.

-The books will be shorter, around 60,000 words each. So the books will be more episodic, but connected by an overall plot arc. I’m thinking several shorter books, and then a few DEMONSOULED-sized ones to wrap up the series at the end.

-I want the world for the series to be connected to the real world in some way. Basically, I’m thinking about going with a “humans go through portal to magical world” plotline.

-I would like the books also to have real religions in them in some way, since I’m tired of Crystal Dragon Jesus. Real religions are more interesting than fake ones. And if humans go through a portal to a magical world, they’ll bring their religion with them. Christian missionaries evangelizing the orcish tribes would make for a fascinating plotline.

-I’d like the books to have the epic feel of a really well-run RPG campaign. If you’ve ever done a really good tabletop RPG (or one of the better computer ones, like BALDUR’S GATE or DRAGON AGE ORIGINS), you know what I mean. A long, immersive story, with characters you get to know and like and remember for years after (like Minsc the ranger or Morrigan the witch), and then a satisfying, appropriately epic conclusion.

-Finally, I would also like to plan the series a bit better. I wrote DEMONSOULED in 2001, SOUL OF TYRANTS in 2005, and then gave up on the series for six years. I had planned to write a sequel to SOUL OF TYRANTS at some point, but since I never got the book published, I completely forgot what I intended to do. So when I started SOUL OF SERPENTS in 2011, I had to improvise quite a bit.

THE GHOSTS were much the same way. I wrote GHOST IN THE FLAMES in 2008, and then GHOST IN THE BLOOD in 2009. When I couldn’t sell those, I wrote CHILD OF THE GHOSTS as a prequel in 2010.  So when I continued that series with GHOST IN THE STORM and GHOST IN THE STONE in 2012, I had to do a bit more improvising.

The point is that I’ve learned a lot of lessons about writing since starting DEMONSOULED in 2001, and I would like to apply those lessons to the new series.

So those are the things I would like to do in a new series. I won’t start on it in earnest until I finish SOUL OF SWORDS (the final DEMONSOULED book) and whatever the seventh GHOSTS book turns out to be…but I am going to start working on it in 2013.


2 thoughts on “Reader Question Day #50 – the new series

  • Manwe

    Sorry, another late commenting session:

    “I’ve cautiously titled it FROSTBORN.”
    FROSTBORN and DEMONSOULED…it could work!
    Just so long as you don’t give in to the current trends of giving old series’ gritty reboots and write FROSTBOURNE. I’d call it quits then 😉

    “The books will be shorter, around 60,000 words each.”
    After sloggin through WOT, I’m A-OK with that! 😉

    ““humans go through portal to magical world” plotline.”
    Narnia? 😉

    “I would like the books also to have real religions in them in some way”
    Interesting. And bold. Most authors these days would not touch that setup even with a 12 foot pole.

    “since I’m tired of Crystal Dragon Jesus.”
    What?! How can you be tired of “Our Father, who wields an axe, hallowed be thy name…”?! 😉
    Hey I’ll give the trope this, it at least adds flair (and sometimes substance) to what would otherwise be incredibly lame, boring, silly, and ultimately worthless gods…kinda like the ones in Guild Wars…*cough*

    “Real religions are more interesting than fake ones. ”
    True. Of course. Fake religions always seem to lack, among other things, the subtlety and nuance of real world religions.

    “Christian missionaries evangelizing the orcish tribes would make for a fascinating plotline.”
    lol! Ok, you have to write that in there! Though I can’t imagine the Orcs will take kindly to concepts like forgiveness…not to mention mercy!

    “I’d like the books to have the epic feel of a really well-run RPG campaign.”
    Sounds good! 🙂

    Well, I wish you well on your new series Jon, I hope it turns out well!

    • jmoellerwriter

      “Just so long as you don’t give in to the current trends of giving old series’ gritty reboots and write FROSTBOURNE. I’d call it quits then ;)”

      It’d make naming the books easier. The FROSTBOURNE SUPREMACY, the FROSTBOURNE IDENTITY… 🙂

      “True. Of course. Fake religions always seem to lack, among other things, the subtlety and nuance of real world religions.”

      Yes. These things can get amazingly complicated.

      “Well, I wish you well on your new series Jon, I hope it turns out well!”

      Thanks! I probably won’t get to it until after DEMONSOULED, so the end of the summer or the beginning of autumn.


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