Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

11 thoughts on “GHOST IN THE MASK now available!

  • Joseph N

    I’m glad I signed up for the newsletter and was able to buy this 4 days ago and start it. Great start to it so far. It also got me thinking about another showdown – A sorcerer of ancient Maat vs a high king of Old Dracaryl (nonspecific general scenario…since I can’t think of much specific ones in the stories other than Randur).

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! A showdown between a high lord of Old Dracaryl and a Great Necromancer of ancient Maat would be fairly epic, and would probably reduce most of the surrounding countryside to molten waste. One on one, a high lord would likely prevail over a Great Necromancer, since the high lords tended to be more individually powerful.

      In a group, however, the Great Necromancers would defeat the high lords of Old Dracaryl. The Great Necromancers were always fairly collegial with each other, while the high lords were viciously cutthroat. The Great Necromancers, after all, believed themselves representatives of a divine order, while the high lords tended to be ruthless megalomaniacs. Because of that, they chronically could not cooperate with each other at critical moments, which was why Randur Maendrag’s Great Rising failed and destroyed Dracaryl in the first place.

  • Erin Jane Tear

    So happy that it’s finished! πŸ™‚ been checking the book store on my kindle fire ever since I finished ghost in the ashes hoping it was there, have to say it was well worth the wait. Only read the first chapter but I’m already hooked! πŸ™‚

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked the first chapter, and hope the rest of the book is to your liking. πŸ™‚

      • Erin Jane Tear

        Enjoying it so far πŸ™‚ love you’re writing style :3

  • Erin Jane Tear

    I think everyone should try to get these books made into a movie or a video game or something.

  • Joseph N

    Finished reading this over lunch today. Really enjoyed it – probably my favorite Ghosts book in the series thus far. Interesting to see the semi-cliff hanger in the epilogue though – could the next book be the last in the series, or do you have more after Surge in store?

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked it.

      GHOST IN THE SURGE is going to be a big book, and a substantial percentage of the ongoing plotlines are going to hit their climax in the book. That said, there’s more story after it, but I’m not entirely sure how I will proceed from there. I think I will likely end THE GHOSTS with GHOST IN THE SURGE, and then start a new GHOSTS series with Caina as the main character, but with a new overarching plot.

      I admit this is partly a marketing decision – it’s a lot easier to market “Book One Of A New Series!” than “Book Nine Of A Series You’ve Never Read!” And both the Moroaica and the New Kyre/Empire war plots are going to get resolved in GHOST IN THE SURGE, and those have been going on since GHOST IN THE BLOOD and GHOST IN THE STORM. So that seems like an ideal place to start a new series with Caina as the main character.

      So, the TLDR version: GHOST IN THE SURGE will be the last THE GHOSTS book, but I will start a new GHOSTS series with Caina.


      • Joseph N

        Thanks for the response. Makes sense, I could kind of tell how everything started to come together in Mask and figured it might come to a conclusion in Surge. That said, I’m excited to find out how it all ends up, and to hear how it continues with Caina (maybe as a circlemaster…). She’s too young of a character to retire this early ;).

        I was comparing DEMONSOULED and THE GHOSTS again in my head the other day, and also because my wife asked about Mazael’s age in DEMONSOULED. Are there timelines or something of the sort to show the ages of the main characters that also mark each installment in their series? I think Mazael aged about 20 years or so, iirc, over the 7 books in that series, but Caina’s only aged around 3 or 4 years in 8 books (if you don’t count her training but when she actually started as a nightfighter)?

        • jmoellerwriter

          I actually sat down to do the math on it before I started writing SOUL OF SKULLS – Mazael is 33 when DEMONSOULED starts, and he’s 39 at the end of SOUL OF SWORDS. Romaria is five years younger than he is, and he was eighteen when he went to Barellion and fathered Molly and Corvad.

          Caina starts out CHILD OF THE GHOSTS as 11, and then is 18 at the end of book. By the end of GHOST IN THE MASK, she’s twenty-two, almost twenty-three.

          Also, thanks for the nice review of GHOST IN THE MASK – I saw that on Amazon. πŸ™‚

          • Joseph N

            Ahh, okay. Don’t know where I got 20 years from then, haha. Thanks for that breakdown.

            You’re welcome, I don’t often do reviews mainly because I don’t usually do them for products, but I probably should start doing them more often for books since I read a lot – especially to review ones that I enjoy reading πŸ™‚

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