Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

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GHOST EXILE – Sicarion vs. the Red Huntress vs. the Balarigar

Note that today’s post has !!!SPOILERS!!! for the entirety of THE GHOSTS to date.

A couple of questions came up in email about GHOST IN THE RAZOR, so let’s answer them here!

“I really like Kalgri the Red Huntress as a villain and glad she is coming back. Who would win in a fight, her or Sicarion?” 

Sicarion is an extremely capable and dangerous assassin, and not too proud to withdraw if a fight doesn’t look like it’s going to go his way. In addition, he is a sorcerer and a necromancer of middling skill, so he can both use sorcery in a fight, and then employ necromancy to repair wounds to himself after the battle.

The Red Huntress, by contrast, is an insane murder juggernaut.

In a straight fight, Kalgri would probably win. Sicarion would assume that she is a sorceress, and use his favorite tactic against sorcerers – a spell that produces a sphere of shadows around him that disrupts spells. Kalgri, however, is not a sorcerer, since all her superhuman abilities stem from the Voice, the nagataaru within her. The nagataaru would not be affected by the spell, and Kalgri would walk right through it.

This assumes that it’s a straight fight, and neither Kalgri nor Sicarion like straight fights. If Kalgri had time to prepare, she would almost certainly come with a plan to kill Sicarion. Her first plan to kill Caina, after all, failed only due to sheer dumb luck.

If Sicarion had time to prepare, he likely would come up with an effective trap or ambush for Kalgri. That said, it would still be an extremely risky venture, and Sicarion would try to avoid fighting her at all if possible, or (better yet) manipulate someone else into fighting her for him.

“Does Caina believe that she is really the Balarigar?”

She doesn’t. She thinks the entirety of it is a myth that as been misapplied to her and distorted by rumor, and doesn’t think that she has been chosen by gods, God, or destiny to kill demons and evil sorcerers. She thinks the “Balarigar” is a legend that started in Marsis and sort of accreted around her over the following years. In truth, she is rather irritated by it, since it makes it harder for her to disappear when necessary.

That said, she is completely willing to use the legend to her advantage when necessary.


2 thoughts on “GHOST EXILE – Sicarion vs. the Red Huntress vs. the Balarigar

  • Im still not entirely sure how to pronounce Balarigar but i love these books i have not read in 8 years and I’ve read all of the ghosts keep up the awesome job and thank you for an amazing character

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you liked the GHOSTS books, and I’m pleased to report that I’m almost done with the rough draft of GHOST IN THE INFERNO.


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