Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller



Let’s have a little snippet from the rough draft of FROSTBORN: THE WORLD GATE. In today’s snippet, Ridmark’s band continues to co-exist harmoniously. 🙂

“Craftier, perhaps,” said Morigna with a sharp smile, “but not as battle-crafty. We left a dozen slain in our wake, and none escaped to warn their false goddess.”

“False goddess?” said Caius, his marble-like blue eyes twinkling. “Dare I hope that you have come to the Dominus Christus at last?”

Morigna scoffed. “The arachar pray to a giant spider-demon. Whatever our differences, Brother Caius, I am sure we can agree that an urdmordar is an unworthy object of worship.”

“You’re in agreement on…anything?” said Jager, feigning astonishment. “If I look skywards, shall I see rain falling upwards and winged pigs soaring aloft?”

“The world will truly end,” said Morigna, “when some crisis arises and you do not have a glib remark ready at hand.”


3 thoughts on “a snippet from FROSTBORN: THE WORLD GATE

  • Jennifer

    Are they finally going to finish this quest? I have enjoyed the overall story, but the books are getting redundant. The same battle descriptions, the same maze through the ruins, the same ‘minor’ foes. Rehashing who can do what at the first battle of each book is bad enough, I doubt many will start the series in book 8, but multiple times within each book is somewhat insulting. I am sure your readers can remember for 20 pages where Ridmark’s staff came from, that Kharlacht/Caius and Mara/Jager fight at teams, and what each form of magic is capable of accomplishing. It was nice to have a lot less of Ridmark’s woe is me about his wife and banishment in this one and have more input from the other members of the group.

  • I am kind hopping that the frost born make it though the gate. I would love to read a series on the second frost born war.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Well, I’m afraid you shall have to read and find out. 🙂


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