Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


a golden age of publishing? (UPDATED)

Let’s talk a bit about the business of writing today!

Recently SCI PHI JOURNAL hosted a roundtable discussion on whether or not this is a golden age for publishing, thanks to the Kindle and ebooks and the iPad and so on. L. Jagi Lamplighter, one of the writers on the roundtable, invited me to take part, but unfortunately I was traveling that day.

Nevertheless, I was able to contribute an essay on the topic “is this a golden age for publishing?”, which you can read at this link.



Anthony M writes to say:

Hello! I would just like to point out that Superversive SF and the Sci Phi Journal overlap, but aren’t actually the same thing. Sci Phi is a journal that publishes science fiction with a philosophical bent, while superversive SF is about a particular literary movement. Jason Rennie is heavily involved/runs both, but they’re not exactly the same.

3 thoughts on “a golden age of publishing? (UPDATED)

  • Hello! I would just like to point out that Superversive SF and the Sci Phi Journal overlap, but aren’t actually the same thing. Sci Phi is a journal that publishes science fiction with a philosophical bent, while superversive SF is about a particular literary movement. Jason Rennie is heavily involved/runs both, but they’re not exactly the same.

    Thanks for contributing the essay, though!

    – Anthony

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! I’ll update the post to reflect that.

  • Pingback: notes on the business of self-publishing September 2015 | Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

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