Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


2016’s writing goals

It’s time to lay out my writing goals for 2016. Of course, before making any kind of long-term plan, it’s good to consider this bit from the book of James:

‘Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”’

That’s good advice. (I’ve been in some planning meetings where the management should have read that first!) So, if it is the Lord’s will, here is what I will do in 2016:

-800,000 to 900,000 words of new fiction

I’ve done this over the last four years, so barring unexpected developments, I should be able to repeat it in 2016. One of the really useful things I taught myself how to do in 2015 was how to work on two fiction books simultaneously. I’ve never been able to do that before, which I think is why I was able to write over a million new words in 2015.

-Three new FROSTBORN books.

-Finish the GHOST EXILE series!

GHOST EXILE has only two books left to go after GHOST IN THE THRONE. So if all goes well, I should be able to bring GHOST EXILE to its conclusion in 2016.

-Finish the MASK OF THE DEMONSOULED trilogy at last!

I’m into the second book, MASK OF DRAGONS, right now, and hopefully I can finish the third book in the second half of 2016.

-Two new CLOAK GAMES books.

-A systematic approach to print books.

I’ve got 20 of my books available in print, but I’ve taken a very scattershot approach to it, and most people don’t even know the print books exist. So I want to do it more systematically. The first step is to make a central page for print books on my website, with links and ISBNs in case people want to order the books from their friendly local bookstore.

-More Kindle Unlimited Fix-Up Novels.

My experiment with turning the short stories into fix-up novels worked pretty well in CHAMPION OF THE GHOSTS, so I’ll be doing more of that in 2016.

-A 101 TIPS & TRICKS tech book on Linux Mint.

So, if all goes well, this is what I hope to do in 2016.


14 thoughts on “2016’s writing goals

  • sounds like an awesome plan. just out of curiosity, will there be a new series set in the world of the ghosts after ghost exile ends?

    • jmoellerwriter

      Yes. It is entitled GHOST SOMETHING. It’s not actually called GHOST SOMETHING, but using the actual title instead of “SOMETHING” would be a massive spoiler.

  • Jane Steinback

    Have funished book 10 of Frostborn and soo need The False King. Yay to writing 3 more this series have read all 10 books in 10 days. I

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you liked the books. 10 books in 10 days is quite the feat of reading!

      If all goes well, I should be able to start on THE FALSE KING in May. I’m planning for a grand total of 15 FROSTBORN books, with the final volume to come out in 2017.

  • Jane Steinback

    Excellent. I am a read a holic. I was home from work sick so read a lot. Look forward to the book soon.

  • Josh Bose

    I have just finished book 10 of frostborn as well. Then I jump online for the next one annnnd now I’m scratching my arm for a fix. Amazing work Jonathan, haven’t been able to put these down. Really looking forward to the rest!!

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you liked the books.

      #11 should be available this summer, and I’m planning a total of 15 FROSTBORN books, with the series hopefully wrapping up in late 2017.

  • Claudia Dwyer

    Dear Mr. Moeller:

    I’m currently addicted to your books, having read as many of the Frostborn and Demonsouled books I could get my hands on in the past two to three months. I’ve been recovering from major surgery and the books are wonderful distractions from pain and boredom.

    I love your imagination and your strong characters. I believe your character to be one or all of them.

    My only concern is the lack of editing, mostly “wrong” words and those most likely caused by your writing haste–as in changing your mind considering word order or some such and forgetting to delete the rejected word.

    I believe you would find more readers if there was some way another reader could preview and edit them before you publish to give the books more polish. I’m not talking about anything but the simplest editing–subject/verb agreement, typographical errors, and at various times, failing to delete a previous word after deciding on another.

    I am often in a reading frenzy and suddenly must stop because something just doesn’t make sense–and then I see the error, fix it in my head, and continue on. I just hate it when that happens because it removes me from the rhythm of the tale and pushes me back into my reality.

    If you’d ever like some help, please let me know!

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed the books, and I hope you recover from your surgery.

      I have had difficulties with editors in the past – I keep trying new people and techniques, and am bound to find the right one sooner or later. 🙂


  • Claudia Dwyer

    I would be happy to assist. I’ve served in editorial capacities in major U.S. law firms for over 20 years. I was also a Music/English major at the University of Texas at Austin. In addition, I have been a technical trainer in IT departments for several years, so I am fairly fluent in, and also easily learn, various software programs.

    I am not asking for a “job.” I am returning to work on August 1 after seven months’ absence. I offer this because I am smitten by your talent.

    It grieves me that your talent may be looked “down upon” for these flaws in your manuscripts. Think long and hard about that. You are publishing these gems in draft form. I know that you’d be able to fix things, but the author of typewritten copy is often the last to see the errors.

    If my assistance isn’t desired, I so hope that you find the “right” editor. That could make all the difference. In the meantime, back to Mazael’s blowout with the Old Demon! You have no idea how many hours in which he’s/you’ve given me such relief and joy!


    • Jonathan Moeller

      Certainly. Send me any typos at jmcontact @, and I’ll take a look at them. Thanks!

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Any one you want.

  • Pingback: did I meet 2016’s writing goals? | Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

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