Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller




FROSTBORN: THE FALSE KING, the eleventh book in the FROSTBORN series, is now out!

You can get it at Amazon USAmazon UKAmazon GermanyAmazon CanadaAmazon AustraliaBarnes & NobleKoboiBooks, and Smashwords. It’s not on Google Play yet due to technical difficulties, but hopefully we can get those ironed out soon.

Click here to read the first chapter.

Ridmark Arban is the Gray Knight, leading the war against the malevolent Frostborn.

After a year of battle, the war has ground to a bloody stalemate. Unless Ridmark can find new allies, the Frostborn will win through slow attrition.

But the shadow of the Frostborn has fallen over all lands, and Ridmark might not live long enough to find new allies…


17 thoughts on “FROSTBORN: THE FALSE KING is now out!

  • loved it, can’t wait for the next one 🙂

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked it. I should get to THE DWARVEN PRINCE before the end of 2016.

  • Woooohoooo!
    Looking forward to reading this one.
    Great work on the series good sir!!

  • Great to hear! I discovered the frostborn books about a month ago and quickly powered through all of them in a week. Very entertaining, been looking forward to this one.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed the books.

  • I really like the frostborn series and was re-reading it. In the Broken Mage they left the malophage in the valut at dragonfall. Won’t it have access to the dragon skulls after it reconstitues itself. Calliande planned for the Frostborn issue centuries in the future but will she ignore the mallophage? It did not feel right when she thinks it will be someone elses problem

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you liked the books.

      I suspect the malophage can’t reconstitute its physical form inside of a heavily warded area, like Dragonfall or Urd Morlemoch. It’d be like trying to plant seeds in ground sown with salt. When it does reappear, it would probably be in a deserted area without any magical effects nearby.

  • I was wondering if I missed a short story or something. I happened across a new major character, and it seemed that the back story was already covered elsewhere.

    It was also good to see a beloved character return! I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! Glad you liked the book.

      I didn’t write an origin short story for Third because it would have essentially spoiled the rest of the series to that point, alas.

  • Loved it. Love this series. Thanks for keeping them coming so quickly. I can’t wait for the next one.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked the books. We should have THE DWARVEN PRINCE out before the end of 2016.

  • Man! Only getting to this now. My damn email sorted your newsletter into my Spam folder. The nerve! Read the Skull Trees and now starting on this book.

    Side question – have you ever thought of doing short (novella-length) stories of mash-ups? Like Ridmark teaming up with Mazael, or one of them with Caina? The build-up would be rushed or just weak for the sake of the mash-up, but could be fun.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Yeah – I’ve noticed a lot of my emails going into spam filters lately. Might be time to change newsletter providers!

      I’ve thought about doing mashups, but I haven’t yet figured out how to do them without being gimmicky. Though it might depend on the age of the characters. Forty-year-old Mazael is more cautious. Twenty-year-old Mazael teaming up with Nadia Moran would be both horrifying and hilarious! Caina and Mazael would be interesting, because they are basically from different historical eras (late Renaissance versus early Medieval). Caina would think of Mazael like some grisly barbarian warlord from the past.

      Might make a good bonus for the newsletter, though!

  • I thought maybe it had to be renewed or something. I only saw the latest FROSTBORN because it popped up from my Amazon suggestions, haha.
    Yeah, the backstory for a mashup would basically have to be done in the summary to keep the length manageable as a fun side project. I think Mazael and Ridmark would hit it off considering the company and foes they deal with. Any other mashup would be a journey just in their banter and getting to know each other.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      If I did a mashup, I might just insert the character without explanation. A while back I wrote an outline for a Sherlock Holmes novel where Caina is a member of the Royal Ghosts, a society founded by King Arthur to keep watch upon the sorcerers of England, and Mycroft Holmes is a member of the Imperial Society of Sorcery, created during the Reformation by King Henry VIII when he broke with the Catholic Church.

      • i would love to read something like that 🙂

  • Joseph N

    That sounds neat! You must outline a lot to shelf ideas. How much outlines actually make it into books?


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