Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller



Steve writes to ask:

A question… when you start something as big as Frostborn, do you have the whole plot laid out in your head for 15 books, or is it a bit more organic than that?

I totally outline everything in advance. I plotted out the entire FROSTBORN series in 2012, something like six months before I even started writing it.

That’s not to say some things haven’t developed organically over time.

I’d say the biggest changes are the role of Morigna, Imaria Licinius, and Mara. Originally, Morigna and Imaria were supposed to be the same character (more or less), but after I finished writing FROSTBORN: THE UNDYING WIZARD, I realized there was no way that would ever work. Fortunately, Imaria would serve the role just as well, given her massive grudge against Ridmark, which was why she appeared in FROSTBORN: THE MASTER THIEF.

Mara’s change had an even bigger impact on the series. Originally, I basically planned her as Jager’s somewhat dimwitted but good-natured girlfriend. But when I got to her first scene in FROSTBORN: THE MASTER THIEF, I was bored with her character, so I threw in that she was half-dark elven and used to be an assassin.

And THAT really changed the series, because I hadn’t originally designed the world of FROSTBORN to have half-elves. So the Artificer, the Anathgrimm, the Traveler, and Third, all of that came from that one impulse decision to make Mara’s character half dark elf.

Antenora was also a later addition to the series (her character was originally supposed to be male, but I didn’t think that worked and changed it at the last minute), and I didn’t think of the idea of the Sculptor until I was about halfway through FROSTBORN: THE FALSE KING.

But the overall arc of the series was planned out in 2012, and I’m looking forward to finishing at last in 2017!


6 thoughts on “The FROSTBORN Outline

  • Ola Abiodun

    This explains why I always had the impression that Morigna was going to ‘turn evil’. There were always subtle references to her internal battle between good and evil; her taking on the powers of the dark warden; her struggle with lessons learnt from her teacher about power etc. I was surprised when she was killed without that ever panning out.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Yes. The way her character developed, she loved Ridmark enough that betraying him became implausible.

  • Steve dunjey

    Really appreciate your very complete answer Jonathan. I have to say that I like all of your ‘unscripted’ tweaks….. and I am astonished that you can hold material for 15 books in your head!!

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! It helps that I take a lot of notes. 🙂 The outline alone for THE DWARVEN PRINCE was like 2000 words long.

  • Steven M. Forgette

    Mr. Moeller…….I am a fan of your books. Especially ‘The Frostborn Series.’ I like ‘The Grey Knight,’ very much. Another of my favorite characters is Gavin, the young ‘Swordbearer. I have a question. I may have missed it, but in what book is Gavin officially made a ‘Swordbearer?’ I have read all of the books in thee series & mush have forgotten what book it was in. I would really like to knw, so that I could go back and re-read any part that I may have missed. Sincerely, Steven M. Forgette KGC

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you liked the books.

      In answer to your question, Gavin is made a Swordbearer at the end of THE DARK WARDEN (book #6). It’s something of a battlefield promotion, but the Swordbearers have a long tradition of doing that since the soulblades are too powerful to lie idle in a crisis.


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