Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Cloak GamesUncategorized


Despite technical difficulties, CLOAK GAMES: TRUTH CHAIN is doing a LOT better than I expected! I have to admit I wasn’t sure how the book would be received, but the response so far has been quite positive.

Thanks everyone! If all goes well, I hope to have CLOAK GAMES: TOMB HOWL out before the end of April.


19 thoughts on “CLOAK GAMES: TRUTH CHAIN first week

  • Good. Mebbe it’ll catch up with Frostborn!

    • Jonathan Moeller

      No objection to that!

  • Jlh682

    I looked in my Kindle library. I own 60+ books/stories by you and I would have to say that TruthChain is my current favorite.

    • 60! Wow!

      Oh, huh. I just looked and I own 42 Moeller books at amazon. If you add the freebie short story that he gives away at smashwords when each novel is released, that’d bring me up to about 60 as well.

      That Moeller fellow – he’s really prolific!

      I like Truth Chain for sure, but I think my favorite is Ghost in the Cowl, where Caina comes back from losing everything and rises from the depths of despair to remake herself (spectacularly) in a new and foreign land.

      • Jonathan Moeller

        I am writing three books simultaneously at the moment, so I suppose that helps with the prolific. 🙂

        Though I usually devote 90% of time to one main project, and scratch away on a few others when I need a break. Like in the last 16 days, I’ve written 88,000 words of FROSTBORN: THE DRAGON KNIGHT, but also 7,200 words of CLOAK GAMES: TOMB HOWL. Then once the main project gets finished, one of the side projects gets promoted to main project. That was actually how the entirety of CLOAK GAMES: TRUTH CHAIN got written. I wrote it in bits while I was writing FROSTBORN: EXCALIBUR, editing that book, and while traveling during December. I actually finished it before I got around to making it my main project.

        I think my favorite GHOST EXILE book was GHOST IN THE MAZE, since I like heist stories, and my favorite GHOSTS book was GHOST IN THE FORGE, since I just like the structure of that book. (Though I’ll always have a soft spot for GHOST IN THE FLAMES since that book got rejected by tradpub dozens of times.) I do like any of the scenes with ancient Maat, since ancient Egypt was one of my hobbies as a kid.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! I’m glad that you enjoyed all the books, and that you enjoyed CLOAK GAMES: TRUTH CHAIN.

  • Matthew

    My ONLY complaint about any of your stories Jonathan, is you need a good line editor my friend. There are a few typos in every book. Probably due to the insanity of writing 7k words a day.

    • How many typos did you see in Truth Chain?

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Typos, alas, are like Pokemon. No matter what you do or how much money you spend, you can never catch them all. 🙂

      • No, you can’t eliminate them all, nor do you need to. However, reducing the number has benefits because some readers find them highly annoying and sometimes will subtract a star in the amazon rating which simply doesn’t help your cause.

        I found that the number of typos in both Shatter Stone and Truth Chain were down nearly an order of magnitude from your previous books and I personally think that the typo rate in those two books is low enough. I did a typo pass for Shatter Stone (which I sent you), but there really weren’t enough typos to make it worth my time and I’m not planning on doing a typo pass for Truth Chain which I think has even fewer typos than Shatter Stone. Indeed, if I’m gonna do typo passes, the Ghost series offer much more fertile ground. 🙂

        • Jonathan Moeller

          I like to compare my writing career to the Borg from STAR TREK – constantly adapting and assimilating new techniques and technologies.

          Though if you ever look up to see the sun blocked out by a Giant Space Cube, you’ll know I’ve taken the metaphor too far. 🙂

  • Matthew

    Do have a question though. Wouldn’t it be hard to shoot while invisible? Sorry to transition back to the novel but Nadia DOES kill a bunch of thing while invisible with an assault rifle. How would you aim?

    • Matthew

      things* Hmmmm I see what you mean about Pokemon.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      It is EXTREMELY difficult to shoot a gun while Cloaked, but by that point in the book, Nadia had a lot of practice doing complicated stuff while Cloaked.

      • Mark Møllegaard

        How do you see will cloaked

        • Jonathan Moeller

          Nadia can see just fine while using the Cloak spell – it wouldn’t be useful otherwise!

      • How is shooting while cloaked any different from all the old western movies where in a gunfight the two adversaries draw and shoot their opponent through the heart at 20 yards while never aiming? Piece of cake, right? At least in the movies!

        I think it’s called kinesthetic memory or something like that.

  • Starlin

    Mr. Moeller,

    I purchased “Thief Trap” about a week ago to fill some time after finishing “Frostborn: Excalibur” and I must say that I am impressed. I have purchased all of the Frostborn novels and short stories and truly enjoy your work. Ridmark has become one of my all time favorite characters. I am now about half way through “Shadow Jump” and Nadia is really growing on my.

    My only question (that I don’t think will be answered in further books) is why is Nadia shown holding what looks like a Katana on the cover off the first four books when she doesn’t even appear to own one, let alone carry/use it in the books?

    Keep up the great work!

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked both the FROSTBORN and the CLOAK GAMES books.

      Concerning the covers, the general rule of thumb is that the cover needs to successful show what genre the book is in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. So, if you look at the covers for the CLOAK GAMES books, they definitely say “urban fantasy” and “woman does wizard stuff while fighting bad guys”, which is what they need to convey. So if on the cover she’s carrying a katana and doesn’t actually use one, I’m good with that.

      What is amusing is that Nadia actually saw the book covers, she would hate the outfits. Whenever possible, she would wear jeans, T-shirt, and running shoes.


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