Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

5 thoughts on “SEVENFOLD SWORD & CLOAK GAMES update

  • Hey if you continue Nadia as a character after wrapping up Cloak Games, have you considered abandoning the first person POV? You seem a lot more comfortable writing from third person, and more comfortable yet when you can pop from viewpoint to viewpoint of the different characters. Frostborn and Sevenfold Sword being perfect examples.

    Also I just realized something…..I have no idea why it is called Sevenfold Sword. At all. There are seven swords but plural vs singular and all that. Huh. UNLESS THE FEMALE CHARACTER WITH T AS A FIRST LETTER TO HER NAME WASN’T THE ONLY THING SHATTERED INTO 7. One sword with the power to rule them all? That could be a rather problematic finale. Huh. FUN, I have no idea! Here’s to midnight epiphanies.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Perhaps this will amuse you, or horrify you, but I recently read the first 4 JD Robb IN DEATH books, which tend to have a stand-alone episodic structure, and I thought that might work for future CLOAK GAMES books.

      As for SEVENFOLD SWORD…read and find out! 🙂

  • I think I have read every single In Death book….all like 58 of them. Soooooooo yeah.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      I have to admit they’re not my usual thing, but they’re really well-constructed. And 58 books with the same protagonist! I am in awe. The most I’ve done is 20.

  • And yeah it would be an awesome way to move her forward as a character. Single “cases” that have more to do with character building than with plot arcs. It’d work especially well if Nadia falls in with the Shadow Hunters. Again though, 3rd person style POV in In Death.


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