Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

2 thoughts on “I like this screenshot…

  • Nice! 😀

    Your even beating out Wheel of Time (well the prolouge of book 13 anyway)!
    Add that to the time you were side by side with the last Song of Ice and Fire book (two different categories of course, but still…pretty cool)!

    Speaking of epic fantasy, what on earth does that term mean? Okay, I know what it means, but why did it replace the older, better terms, like high fantasy/low fantasy/dark fantasy etc? They better described the mood, type, and feel of a book than the vague “epic” label, which includes everything from Tolkien/Jordan (High fantasy), to Gemmell and, well, you (heroic/low fantasy), all the way to the likes of Martin/Erickson etc (once know as dark fantasy, now I guess they put it on the cynical end of low fantasy?). Any label that includes all of them together (other than “fantasy”) must be pretty vague indeed.

    • jmoellerwriter

      “Speaking of epic fantasy, what on earth does that term mean?”

      I have to admit, I honestly don’t know. Traditionally, booksellers sort fantasy into these category:


      So those are the choices Amazon & B&N and the others give you when uploading books. So I put DEMONSOULED in Epic and General because it really doesn’t fit in the other ones.

      I suspect the rest of the terms are sort of “insider baseball” for genre fans and don’t mean much to people who don’t read a lot of fantasy. So, the five categories above for booksellers.


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