Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost RageUncategorized

Ghost Rage, a terminal episode – Vote Now!

“The Countess bade me,” you tell Korthion, “to meet her by the Imperial Guard barracks on the Via Triumphalis.”

Korthion stares hard at you.

“That will be difficult,” says Cenorix, “taking the Countess under the eyes of the Imperial…”

“Shut up,” says Korthion, and then he turns his attention back to you. “Do you take me for such a fool? An Imperil Guard barracks? Undoubtedly several of the centurions and tribunes in the Guard are Ghosts…and just happen to be stationed at the barracks on the Via Triumphalis.”

Apparently, Korthion is not quite as stupid as you thought.

Cenorix makes a fist. “We should beat it out of her.”

“No,” said Korthion. “This one is too clever. Too risky to leave her alive. Kill her, now, and we’ll ambush another of the Countess’s agents when the opportunity presents itself.”

Cenorix barks an order, and the militiamen draw their swords and rush you.

You yank the throwing knives from your sleeves, and fight back.

You manage to kill Cenorix, and two other militiamen. But then Korthion casts a spell that throws you against the wall with enough force to break your right arm and most of your ribs. Stunned and in pain, you crumple to the floor, and the surviving militiamen swarm you, swords rising and falling.

Ironic, you think as the darkness closes in. Korthion managed to kill Countess Caina Amalas, even if he will never realize it.

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