Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost in the SurgeReader Question DayUncategorized

Reader Question Day #80 – all about GHOST IN THE SURGE

Reader Question Day #80: all about GHOST IN THE SURGE

Since GHOST IN THE SURGE came out a few days ago, it is only appropriate that all the questions this week are about the book! Note that there are no spoilers in this post, though I cannot vouch for any resultant comments.

LS asks:

What happened to the ghostsilver spear from CHILD OF THE GHOSTS, and why hasn’t Caina used it again?

That spear will actually turn up again in GHOST IN THE SURGE. After CHILD OF THE GHOSTS, Halfdan took it for safekeeping. The reason he did that is because ghostsilver is incredibly rare. If it wasn’t, the Ghosts would probably start mass-producing ghostsilver-tipped crossbow bolts and keep the magi in line that way.

But the spear will be back in GHOST IN THE SURGE.

LNC asks:

Will GHOST IN THE SURGE be the last book in the series?

Well, I’ve already ordered the cover art for the next the GHOSTS book, so no. 🙂

Seriously, the next book will be called GHOST IN THE COWL, and I’m going to start writing it in February. While GHOST IN THE SURGE is not a cliffhanger by any means, it would nonetheless be a jerky place to end the series, certainly. 🙂

NM asks:

When exactly will GHOST IN THE SURGE be available for iTunes & Kobo?

Soon, I hope. Basically, to get a book into iTunes, there are these steps:

1.) Upload the book to Smashwords.

2.) Have the book approved for Smashwords’ Premium Catalog.

3.) Have the book appear in iTunes the next time Smashwords uploads the updated version of its Premium Catalog to iTunes.

So step one is done. Hopefully Steps 2 and 3 won’t take too much longer. Usually about one to two weeks.

Kobo is opening up to new books again this weekend, so if all goes well GHOST IN THE SURGE should be available there in a few days.


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