Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

The GhostsUncategorized

love stories

I read a review of GHOST IN THE STORM that caused a moment of reflection.

I used to detest writing anything even vaguely romantic. This is why neither GHOST IN THE FLAMES nor GHOST IN THE BLOOD have no romantic subplots whatsoever, the closest being a retired veteran’s long quest to save his kidnapped wife from slave traders.

Later, it occurred to me that that I was like a baker attempting to make cakes without sugar. It is, of course, possible to make a tasty cake without sugar, if you use enough spices and the right ingredients. It is also possible to ruin a cake with too much sugar.

However, it is nonetheless much easier to bake a cake with sugar than without.

So it is with romance. It really is a vital part of the writers’ toolkit. It can provide character motivations, subplots, and character development. It is a remarkably versatile storytelling tool.

But one thing is clear: if two characters have a romantic relationship, the story is all the better if they suffer for it, if they have to work for it.

A thought which occurs to me as I look at the outline for future GHOST EXILE and FROSTBORN books. 🙂


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