Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


is the iPad a good ereader?

An article asks if the iPad is a good bargain for ebook readers.

I’d say that a tablet is a good bargain for ebook readers (it doesn’t have to be an iPad – an Android tablet will work just as well). If you have a really big library, it’s easier to manage on a tablet than on an eInk reader or a phone.

It’s also handy for propping up to read as you eat a sandwich with the other hand. 🙂 I have read entire series of books that way.


2 thoughts on “is the iPad a good ereader?

  • Tom Talley

    My problem/wish is that ibooks is the only ereader type program I’ve found that allows me to easily arrange books in the order I want them versus some arbitrary order based on the file name. It lets me easily organize all of your books for example and when a new short story appears I slide it in between the other books.

    So I really wouldn’t mind using an android or windows tablet in place of my iPad but no ereader program I’ve found does the easy arraignment of books.

    Oh and it lets me arrange the really odd book collections where I have an author using 3 names and 1 series. ::sigh:: One set of books is written in the 1800’s, the 2nd set in the modern day, and the 3rd set is in the future. Usually one story line will start in the past and wend its way to the future. So how do you shelve that in the other readers?

    • Jonathan Moeller

      We’ll know that Apple has gotten very serious about ebooks if it ever releases a version of iBooks for PC and Android.


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