Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller



L. Jagi Lamplighter (whose books I’ve mentioned before) asked me to share that she and her husband John C. Wright are running a crowdfunding campaign for a space opera series called Starquest.

It’s an interesting idea, inspired by the failure of a recent film in a long-running science fiction franchise owned by a highly litigious multinational corporation (which is why I’m naming no names!). From the description:

“Have you been disappointed by the drab way space sagas franchises, and the beloved epics of childhood have been treated? John C Wright and his space allies seek to break the fetters that have bound our imagination for too long. Against the infinite backdrop of the stars, tales of bold heroism and black-hearted villainy wait to be told!”

It’s already funded, so I’m looking forward to reading the book when it comes out! But as of this writing (11/24/2018) the campaign is still open for another 12 days, so you can contribute if you want a character named after you.



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