Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

DragontiarnaThe Ghosts

DRAGONTIARNA: question and answer time!

Reader Kris makes a prediction about the plot of DRAGONTIARNA: KNIGHTS:

“Ridmark Arban rode west along the coast of the southern sea (he is listed without his family – interesting) only Third is also a main character, so they are going probably fishing, when (The door must never be opened) they are transported to Malison World (by Five Heralds of Ruin or by a woman most people believe doesn’t exist.). There they met Tyrcamber and together try to stop Warden plan and Dark Dragon Cult (Mankind shall become dragon gods). And we have a man imprisoned for stealing a pig with magic that was never meant to be used in that way.”

That’s about 25% correct. But it would be cheating to tell you which 25%.

Joy asks:

“Sooo is Calliande to become a stay at home mum?”

One of the things that kicks off the main plot is that Ridmark basically forces Calliande to hire more servants to help her so she doesn’t run herself ragged both looking after small children and performing the duties of the Keeper.

Scott says:

“I hope Selene gets page time. She’s funny in a crazy sort of way. Especially when she’s insulting the villain of the entry.”

Selene won’t be in the first book but she will be in later ones.

Kelen asks:

“That’s awesome but what happened to Caina?”

GHOST IN THE VAULT is also underway. If all goes well, we’ll have DRAGONTIARNA: KNIGHTS in August and GHOST IN THE VAULT in September.

Andrew asks:

“How many books will be in this series and will there be a companion series like Shield Knight?”

Either 10 or 12, depending on how long some of the middle books are. I don’t think I’m going to write any new short stories for a while. Real Life has been busy lately, so I’ve cut back on side projects so I can focus on novels.

Juana suggests:

“Yay! More Ridmark! I’d buy it chapter by chapter, if you sent it to my in-box.”

Nah, serializations are one of those things that looks good on paper but are always too much bother in Real Life.

Matthew observes:

“Look the original dragons were supreme masters of magic. The REMNANTS off their abilities gave birth to a sword that stops time and can create wormholes. Where did they go?”

Now that’s a good question! 🙂


One thought on “DRAGONTIARNA: question and answer time!

  • Tarun Elankath

    I really hope Calliande learns some new spells – need some for dragon fighting anyways. DRAGON-REND!

    I can already imagine Ridmark opening gates atop dragons in the air and dropping down to pierce their skulls with Oathshield! Take that LIZARD!


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