Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost in the FlamesUncategorized

Caina meets Ark

In today’s excerpt from “Ghost in the Flames”, Caina meets Ark for the first time.

“It is clear,” said Caina, ice in her voice, “that we shall have to exercise the utmost caution. The secrecy of your circle has been breached, that is plain. Perhaps whoever is behind these burning murders did not appreciate your circle’s investigation. We lack information, and until we know more, we shall have regard everyone with suspicion. Even the Magisterium. Despite how eager you seem to lick their fingers.”

Ark’s eyes got harder. “I put twenty years in the legions, girl. I’ve killed more men that I can remember, and most of them before you had your first moon’s blood. Probably even before you were born. I earned my centurion’s plumes, and I led my men through the sort of slaughter that would leave someone like you weeping and broken if you witnessed it. Were you to live through a tenth of the things I’ve endured, it would break your mind.” He leaned closer. “I am no man’s dog.”

“All that may be true, centurion,” said Caina, “but in the Ghosts I still outrank you.”

Aww. I think they had a special moment, there.


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