Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


Returns On Ad Spending

It’s the end of the month, so let’s look back and see how my ads performed.

July was a bit weird because my ad account at a Certain Major Social Media Platform got randomly blocked yet again. Every few months the algorithms get tweaked, and then they go berserk and ban everything in sight, which means I have to appeal, and a few days/weeks later it gets fixed, and then we repeat this process a few months later like a time loop in a science fiction novel, but much lamer. It’s really, really annoying, so if a Certain Major Social Media Platform gets fed to the antitrust wolves, I won’t be too upset.

But that’s a digression! Let’s see how the ads did.

FROSTBORN – for every $1 I spent, I got $3.43 back.

THE GHOSTS – for ever $1 I spent, I got $8.17 back. That was really good! Not sure why it was so good, but I’m not going to complain.

CLOAK GAMES/CLOAK MAGE – for every $1 I spent, I got $8.94. Not including CLOAK OF BLADES, it was still $5.22 for every dollar spent.

I think the CLOAK GAMES/CLOAK MAGE results shows that the best thing you can do to promote a series is to write a new book in it.  Even without CLOAK OF BLADES factored it, the return was still $5.22 for every dollar, almost $2 higher than FROSTBORN, and that was the halo effect of CLOAK OF BLADES drawing attention to the other books in the series.

Finally, thanks for reading! I’ve gotten many nice comments about CLOAK OF BLADES, so I’m glad people enjoyed it.


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