Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Knight SwordUncategorized

choose your own adventure, episode 13a


“Let’s go through the graveyards,” you say.

No one has any better ideas, so you set off for Moridun’s abandoned graveyards, Caius and Mourner in the lead, Dietrich trailing behind you.

“Close your lanterns,” says Mourner, and Dietrich extinguishes his torch. “The Night Ravens can see in the dark. They could see firelight from five miles off.”

You shiver and look back at the dark walls of Moridun, the soulblade clenched in your hands. Within the walls you can still see the glow of the burning Ghost Boar Inn.

Caius knows the way, but Mourner seems to be the better woodsmen, and soon the four of you make your way through the rocky hills and reach the old graveyards. Tombstones, statues, crypts, and monuments fill a wide valley between the hills. The burial grounds are ancient – some Dark Elven crypts stand on the slopes, along with burial mounds from the barbarian tribes that wandered the land after the fall of Dark Elven High Kingdom, and the newer tombstones reared by the men of Moridun.

“This is an ill-omened place,” mutters Dietrich, squinting into the moonlit gloom.

“Aye,” says Caius, “but parts of it are still hallowed. That bloody Night Raven can’t set foot here.”

“Why don’t we just hide here?” you say.

“Because,” says Mourner, “Ulmoch cannot set foot upon consecrated ground…but his pet orcs can.”


“This way,” says Caius, pointing at the far end of the valley. “There’s a path that cuts through the hills, comes out near Curtwall’s farm.”

Mourner nods, and you follow the others into the graveyards.

About four steps later the soulblade trembles in your hands.

Mists swirls about your feet, and a huge shape of shadow and writhing fog rising from the earth, seemed to form the shape of a hooded specter.

The men yell in alarm, drawing their weapons.

Yet the wraith does not move, and you feel its attention upon you.

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