Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Knight SwordUncategorized

choose your own adventure, episode 14a


The others lift their weapons, but you do not move.

“Greetings,” you say.

You feel the wraith’s attention focus on you, and again the soulblade trembles in your hands.

Then a voice, whispery and dry, echoes in your mind.


The men shift in alarm.

“Do you…hear that?” says Dietrich, frowning.

“Aye,” says Mourner. “It’s a tomb guardian. The Dark Elves of old conjured them, to keep watch over the crypts of their dead, and to slay any who trespassed upon the tombs.”


The wraith’s attention seems to beat upon your face like the heat of the sun.

-The Highborn, those you name the Dark Elves, did bind me. But that was ere they fell into evil, into the black sciences of necromancy. My task was to guard their dead from the supernatural, from those who would use the bones and ashes of the dead to fuel their sorcery. It has been long since magical power was brought here-

The wraith drifts closer to you.

-But you have brought power here, Swordbearer. Yet you are not a knight of the Soulblade-

“No,” you say. “My…my father kept the sword secret, until the Ravens…killed him.” You almost choke saying it.

-You bear the sword, but you know not its power. Not all the Highborn turned to necromancy. They helped your ancestors forge the swords, in the name of the High God, to guard the world from the darkness unleashed by their brethren. You bear the sword, but you are not a Knight of the Soulblade-

“We don’t know how to become a Knight of the Soulblade!” says Mourner, gesturing with his sword. “If I did, I would take up the soulblade right now, become a Paladin, and thrown down the Night Ravens and their Blood Queen. But we don’t know how to become Paladins.”

Again the soulblade trembles in your hands, and you sense that the wraith is displeased by Mourner’s answer.

-Twofold was my task. To guard the tombs of the departed. And to reclaim soulblades from the unworthy, if necessary. And are you unworthy, or are you worthy-

You feel a cold breeze as the wraith begins to gather magical power.

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