Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Knight SwordUncategorized

choose your own adventure, episode 16a


“A fire!” you shout. “Try to scare them off!”

The others see the logic in your suggestion at once. Together you race to the trees, and Mourner opens his lantern and sets some tree branches on fire. Soon he has a small fire going, and you hold a burning branch in your left hand, your right clenched around the sheathed blade of the soulblade.

The wolves stalk out of the darkness.

Dozens of them, huge and gray, their fangs and claws long and yellow. Their eyes shine with yellow light, the same sulfurous glow you saw in the eyes of Ulmoch as he stormed through your father’s front door. Soon the wolves circle around you and the others, snarling and snapping. They’re keeping just out of reach, lurking at the edge of the firelight.

“Why aren’t they attack?” said Dietrich, his voice tight.

“Because,” says Mourner. “That Raven is controlling them. He’ll be able to see through their eyes, too. So he knows we’re here. The wolves only need to keep us pinned down until he arrives to kill us.”

“But he won’t have time to get here from Moridun!” says Caius. “Look!”

He points. The eastern sky is starting to brighten. It’s almost dawn.

“So?” says Dietrich.

“The Ravens can’t go out during the day,” says Caius.

Mourner shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter. Ulmoch might not be able to come for us during the day, but his orcs have no such limitations. He’ll tell his soldiers where we are. They’re probably already on their way.”

You think it over. You’re maybe seven or eight miles from Moridun, almost to Curtwall’s farm. If Vlacht and his soldiers hasten, they could be here in an hour and a half. Maybe less.

If you don’t find a way to get away first, you’ll be captured, and probably killed.

Yet even as the thought crosses your mind, you notice that the wolves are keeping further away from you. You wave the soulblade in your right hand, and several of the wolves look at it, and circle further way from you.

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