Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


Ad Results June 2023

It’s the first day of July, so let’s see how my book ads performed overall last month.


Frostborn series: $4.45 back for every $1 spent.

Ghosts series: $5.79 back for every $1 spent.

Cloak Games/Mage series: $5.42 back for every $1 spent.

Sevenfold Sword series: $2.15 back for every $1 spent.

So a strong month for Facebook ads. I think in July I will switch off the ads for SEVENFOLD SWORD and advertise to SILENT ORDER instead since SILENT ORDER: THUNDER HAND should hopefully be coming soon.

And given that I’m planning to write a new Caina book in September/October (I already booked a narrator for it), it’s gratifying to see THE GHOSTS doing so well!

Let’s see how the Amazon ads did! I advertised DRAGONSKULL: SWORD OF THE SQUIRE in both Amazon US and Amazon UK.


Dragonskull Amazon US: $7.17 back for every $1 spent, 1 sale for every 0.87 clicks.

Dragonskull Amazon UK: $5.07 back for every $1 spent, 1 sale for every 1.65 clicks.

So a strong month on Amazon ads as well.

I think the big challenge of my books is that I can only advertise so many of them at once. As of DRAGONSKULL: DOOM OF THE SORCERESS, I have 141 novels, but it’s impossible to advertise all of my series at once, especially on Amazon. So I need to pick and choose based on the opportunities available at the time (Bookbub deals, a book coming out in a series that month, etc).

And as always, thanks for reading everyone!


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