Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Child of the GhostsUncategorized

CHILD OF THE GHOSTS print edition now available

As part of my plan to have at least six of my books available in print editions by Christmas, CHILD OF THE GHOSTS is now available in a print version at and

Createspace has a learning curve like the Matterhorn, but once you’ve got the method down, it actually gets a lot easier to produce paper books. Once upon a time, publishing a paper book was an arcane and mysterious profession involving hideous, hulking, and expensive machines and (more recently) ghastly software programs like Quark Express, which was probably written by the devil himself. Now any idiot (like me!) with a web browser, a copy of Microsoft Word, a copy of Paint.NET, and $25 can make a paper book and sell it around the world.

Which is pretty cool, really.


2 thoughts on “CHILD OF THE GHOSTS print edition now available

  • Huzzah! 😀

    Now for all the others… 😉

    Seriously though, why not just release all your major series in paperback? Why only do a few of each?

    • jmoellerwriter

      “Seriously though, why not just release all your major series in paperback? Why only do a few of each?”

      Practically speaking, it comes down to time. Doing the layout for a print book is time-consuming, and in the time it takes me to do one, I could probably write 20,000 words or so of new fiction. But I’m getting better at it, so hopefully I can do it quicker.


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