Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


choose your own adventure, episode 17a

You draw on Heartwarden’s power, and direct it towards the magic circle as fresh undead emerge from the caverns. There is a flash of blue light, a thrumming noise, and the pillar of green fire winks out.

The undead emerging from the caverns drop motionless to the ground, like puppets with cut strings.

Gwenaelle half-turns to look at the broken circle, clearly surprised.

“Take her!” you shout, surging forward with Heartwarden’s power lending you speed.

But the spiderling is even faster. She whirls, her clawed hand flickering in a spell, and disappears, much as the spiderling in the dark elven ruin did. Again you draw on the power of your bond with Heartwarden, and blue light flashes as you try to dispel Gwenaelle’s spell.

You are successful…and she reappears just as she smashes with terrific speed into Sir Thomas, knocking the knight sprawling to the ground. Ulacht bellow and lifts his club, but Gwenalle wheels and slams her right foot into his stomach. The breath explodes from his lungs, and the old orc stumbles to his knees, stunned.

Gwenaelle spins to face you, all eight of her green eyes locked on you, her pincers twitching.

Hamus stares open-mouthed at her, stunned by her speed. Gwenalle stalks towards you, head swaying back and forth like a serpent about to strike, her pincers opening and closing over and over again.

“A Swordbearer,” she hisses. “Mother used to collect the soulblades of your order as trophies.”

“Then take this one,” you say, “and add it to your collection. If you can.”

Gwenaelle laughed. “It is so amusing to see a herd animal with spirit. Perhaps you would feel the same way if you saw a pig that wore shoes and tried to talk as a man.”

Hamus growls and stalks towards her, two-handed axe raised for a blow, but Gwenalle pays him no mind. Perhaps she hasn’t seen him yet.

Or perhaps she simply doesn’t see him as a threat.

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(I have obligations on Monday, so the next episode of “choose your own adventure” will appear Wednesday, April 3rd. Sorry for the delay!)

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