Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Child of the GhostsUncategorized

an explanation of the necromantic sciences

Well, I’m ten and a half thousand words into “Nightfighter” since Monday. So far, so good. An excerpt from today’s writing, wherein the book’s Big Bad makes his appearance:

“You are here,” said Maglarion, “because you are wiser than your peers. You realize that the Emperor’s ban against the arcane science of necromancy is foolish and short-sighted. In the days of the Fourth Empire, when the magi ruled, the Empire was strong. The commoners knew their place, and the magi of that time used the blood of slaves to fuel mighty spells.”

The magi nodded in agreement.

“And I am here,” said Maglarion, “because of my mastery of the necromantic sciences. For I was born three hundred years ago, during the War of the Fourth Empire, and I studied at the feat of the great masters of those days, whose like cannot be found in the Magisterium today. And it is through necromancy that I have done what every god has promised, but cannot do – I have transcended death, through my skill, and through my power. I have conquered death and attained immortality. And you, too, may attain immortality – if you are strong enough.”

“And how did you attain this?” said the magus with the thick jaw.

“Power is the essential principle of sorcery,” said Maglarion. “Or, more precisely, the source of a spell’s power. A magus can draw upon his mind to empower a spell,” he gestured, and his cane floated into the air and into his hand, “or upon the elements of earth, wind, and water. And the necromantic sciences draw their power from death, from the consumption of life. Just as burning coal produces light and heat, so to does the destruction of life produce necromantic power. Observe.”

He turned towards Caina, a glittering dagger in his hand.

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