Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


FROSTBORN: THE GORGON SPIRIT progress (Frostborn #7 update)

Some determined person has been searching for “frostborn #7” on my website every day for the last week, so I thought it was time to share a progress update.

I’m current on Chapter 4 of 24. Chapter 1 and 2 were a bit longer than usual, 8,000 and 5,000 words respectively, so they took longer to write. I’m hoping to have the book out in March, and the main point-of-view characters in this one will be Ridmark, Gavin, and Calliande.

Now let’s have an excerpt:

“I would say they were kobold tracks,” said Morigna, “but they are far too large. Kobolds stand three or four feet tall. Whatever left those tracks, to judge from their stride, was at least eight or nine feet tall.”

“You have a good eye,” said Ridmark, his own eyes moving back and forth over the trees.

“Calliande is right about you,” said Morigna.

That startled him so much that he almost stopped. “You and Calliande never agree about anything.”

“She says you keep secrets out of habit,” said Morigna, “and that you would rather make a point in a dramatic fashion that explain something. Like the marsh gas near Moraime. Or that carnivorous plant in the Torn Hills. Or…”


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