Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


fun with Google Play Books

More and more of my book sales over the last year have come from Google Play, but for all that, I’ve never actually used the Google Books app, so I decided to rectify that.

It’s pretty nice! The app looks pretty and loads smoothly, and it’s slick how Google seamlessly syncs the read locations between different Android devices.

I’m not sure how it calculates page counts, though. For some reason it thought that FROSTBORN: THE FALSE KING was 1100 pages, and usually in EPUB format it lands at about 350 pages. But 1100 sounds so much more impressive!


5 thoughts on “fun with Google Play Books

  • Hmm, sounds like I need to load some books into it and then see how it does at organizing them.

    Organizing your books into series is always a good test of any book management program. Does it work with iPads? Hmmm, I’ll have to give it a try.

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Alas, since Google and Apple are mortal enemies, it likely will not work on the iPad.

      • Tom Talley

        Probably true which is a shame.

  • Denise

    You are an amazing man. You have great talent and a wonderful imagination! I love your work and hope to some day get all your stories. Right now I am reading the second book with Lord Mazeal. Can’t put it down! I salute your sir and hope you continue to write. You are now my favorite author!

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed the books. I just released the 10th book with Lord Mazael, so there is more to come in the story!


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