Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

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Now on Chapter 9 of 26 of FROSTBORN: THE DRAGON KNIGHT!

I limited all previous FROSTBORN books to 24 chapters, because one of the dangers when writing a really long epic fantasy is the temptation to meander into endless sideplots. I do think storytelling is like passing semis on the freeway – best to to it as quickly as possible without any dawdling! So keeping the books at 24 chapters helped keep the focus on the essential story and prevent digressions.

That said, I think the most important part of the story is the ending. It’s like the punchline of a joke in that it validates everything that came before, so it’s really important to get the ending right. So the last two books in the FROSTBORN series will be as long as they need to be, however long that happens to be.

I did that for the GHOST EXILE series, and it worked out pretty well. I kept the first 6 books between 22 and 24 chapters each. GHOST IN THE THRONE (#7) jumped up to 26 chapters,  GHOST IN THE PACT (#8) did 25 chapters, and the ninth and final book GHOST IN THE WINDS weighed in at 33 chapters. It was also the longest book I had written in three years, but that was okay, because it was the end of the series, and it is extremely important to get the ending right!


4 thoughts on “FROSTBORN: THE DRAGON KNIGHT progress update

  • thrinetu

    sounds good 🙂 can’t wait for this and book 15 to be on my kindle

  • Michelle Sanchez

    I am hooked on your frostborn books. Not many would admit to this I just education turned 51 and I can’t wait for another book to come out. I really like how you but all the different characters from different places and from different legion, like king Arthur and thor. as an example of some of the beings in your books. I think it’s great.

  • Michelle Sanchez

    I truly hate trying to write on an I phone the education wasn’t supposed to be in my comment. Give me a computer any day lol

    • Jonathan Moeller

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked the FROSTBORN books, and I’m about halfway through THE DRAGON KNIGHT. I don’t like typing on a phone, either. 🙂


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