Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


  • Steve Dunjey

    You are a machine! I know you describe yourself as a pulp fiction author ( not quite sure why specifically …. because you are so prolific??) but I wonder if you know of any other author who matches your speed in putting a well crafted book together?
    As a fan, I love the fact that I am not waiting for 3 years for the next book in a series (… are you listening Patrick rothfuss?) but I feel as though you are way out on your own here

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! The “pulp writer” thing is a joke from the pre-Kindle days. Someone said, and not in a complimentary sense, that I was writing like I was trying to write for the pulp magazines of old, but I decided I liked the thought.

      As for the speed…well, I suppose I come from a long line of grim old farmers. When we have a job to do, we put our backs into it. 🙂

      • Tom Talley

        Nah, your writing like a professional writer. You have discipline and sit down every day and write. 🙂

        • jmoellerwriter

          That is what it takes!

  • I recently began reading the first ghosts series and I’m enjoying them so far. I looked over all your series and books and bought the first firstborn omnibus on sale. Do you have any intention of collecting other volumes into future omnibus editions? I’m interested in reading most of your series but feel like it’s pretty big investment. I did see the third soul and demonsoul collections so was hoping cloak games or frostborn would follow suit.

    • jmoellerwriter

      Thanks! I’m glad you liked the books.

      I usually put the first three or four books into an omnibus edition once the series gets long enough. THIRD SOUL wound up with two omnibus editions because the novellas were short enough. There is a CLOAK GAMES omnibus available right now here:


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