Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller


the audiobook experience

Amusingly, I finished listening to the first FROSTBORN audio book the day after I finished writing the rough draft of the final FROSTBORN book.

I have to admit I never really got into audiobooks, probably because I never had long stretches of time where I could listen to them. Performing server administration or writing books are not conducive activities for listening to something with narration in the background. 🙂

Commutes are good for audiobooks, but thankfully the last time I had a long commute was in 2004-2005, when I had a 120 mile round trip 3 to 5 times a week. Alas, back then audio books were only available in either cassette or CD form. This was an inconvenient format, since changing CDs on the freeway is a great way to go through the guard rail at 70 MPH.

Also, I couldn’t afford audiobooks, because big bundles of CDs are expensive, and I had to save my money for gas for the 120 mile commute. So it’s only after I got an iPod Touch in 2012 that I started to listen to audiobooks for long trips, since it’s way easier to download them to an iPod than to mess with a big bundle of CDs on the road.

I had to do a lot of driving over the last couple of weeks, and that made a good time for listening to the audiobook of FROSTBORN: THE GRAY KNIGHT.

It was really good, and for the first time, I got to experience the FROSTBORN universe from the outside, as it were. Or someone else’s interpretation of it, which was a new experience for me, since I’ve never had an audiobook of my own work before. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the FROSTBORN universe, so this was the first time I got to see it from the perspective of the audience. That alone was a cool experience. I really liked Mr. Crossley’s voices for Ridmark and Calliande.

Also, I am amazed in hindsight how much foreshadowing I managed to pack into FROSTBORN: THE GRAY KNIGHT.

You can get the audiobook at Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon AUiTunes, and Audible.


2 thoughts on “the audiobook experience

  • please tell me a ghost audiobook is a possibility ? that would be amazing

    • Jonathan Moeller

      That would be cool, but I’m afraid it’s an unlikely possibility at the moment.


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