Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Interesting Links

Interesting Links #5: Ubuntu & Marketing For Writers

A lot of about Ubuntu Linux this week, since the new version came out on 10/19, and some links about book marketing.

But I’ve been writing about Ubuntu longer than I’ve been writing about Ridmark Arban, Nadia Moran, Jack March, or Rachaelis Morulan, and I’ve written about Ridmark, March, Mazael Cravenlock, and Caina Amalas on various Ubuntu computers over the years.

I also read a few interesting articles about the ongoing collapse of the American film industry.

-It’s the 13th birthday of Ubuntu Linux! But I didn’t start using it until 2006: Happy 13th Birthday, Ubuntu!

-The first version of Ubuntu without Unity in six years: Ubuntu 17.10 Is Back On Track With GNOME.

-I’ve always thought the Kindle Fire tablets are a great value, and this definitely adds value: How to add Google Play to the Fire 7, Fire HD 8, and new Fire HD 10.

-These days, it’s less “I use this system exclusively” than “I use a bunch of different systems in my workflow”: Why And How You Should Switch To Linux.

-I have to admit that I think all those studies that claim “reading a paper book is better than an ebook” are just wishful thinking on the part of publishers: How Lifehacker’s Kindle Hit Piece Misses The Point.

-Draft2Digital, of course, has a vested interest in writers not using Kindle Unlimited, by this article makes many excellent arguments in favor of that point: When Is It Time To Go Wide?

-I suppose I could write a Christmas-themed Nadia Moran short story: 11 Fantastic Ways To Sell More Books For The Holidays.

-In my opinion, when it comes to marketing slow & steady beats flash & dazzle: A Tale Of Two Marketing Systems.

-Smashwords has a podcast: Introducing The Smart Author Podcast.

-The American film industry was in serious trouble even before all the recent abuse scandals. Why go to a movie when you can watch comfortably at home? Hollywood Is Dying And Not Even Star Wars Can Save It. (In 2017 I only went to movies for social outings – things I really wanted to see I waited until I could rent them on streaming video.)

-Of course, part of the reason the American film industry is in serious trouble is because it is infested with many dishonest people, as Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s recent experience shows: Stealing Intellectual Property.

-I read Christopher Nuttall’s Angel In The Whirlwind series a couple of months ago and thought it was pretty good. so I thought his essay at the following link was interesting. But when I write books, I decree that the Rule Of Realism must always bow before the Rule Of Awesome: Social Change In SF/Fantasy.


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