Jonathan Moeller, Pulp Writer

The books of Jonathan Moeller

Ghost RageUncategorized

Ghost Rage, Episode 10a- Vote Now!

“Touch her,” you tell Moresti, pointing at the shrieking Chrysana, “now!”

Moresti’s eyes are wide with fear. “No! Moresti was not hired for this! Moresti is a reliable mercenary! But Moresti was not hired to fight mavrokh!”

He’s about to run, and too frightened to think straight, so it is easy for you to seize his wrist, bend his arm behind his back, and drive your boot into the back of his knee.

He crashes into the floating woman, his face smacking into her stomach.

And blue light flares, the tattoo on Moresti’s face suddenly shining with sapphire radiance. The crawling tingle of sorcery against your skin intensifies, and for a brief moment you feel something looking at you, something filled with hatred and rage, hideous, thwarted rage.

The tingling stops, all at once, and the blue light fades from Moresti’s tattoo.

Lady Chrysana collapses to the ground, Moresti landing on top of her.

He scrambles back to his feet, breathing hard. “Mavrokh. In Imperial capital. Moresti is getting very drunk, if he lives through this.”

“Take her,” you tell Moresti, and after realizing his limited command of Kyracian might misinterpret that, you amend it to, “Pick her up and carry her. We’re leaving.”

Chrysana Karbonos is not a large woman, and Moresti scoops her up with ease.

You need a quiet place to question her. Obviously Chrysana knows what is going on, and she seemed to know who, or what, had killed Julian Trimogena. Once she wakes up, she’s going to tell you everything she knows, whether she wants to or not.

You turn, and see a man in chain mail and a red tabard standing in the mansion’s doorway, sword and truncheon at his belt.

A Civic Militiaman.

He stares at you, at Moresti, at the blood splattered everywhere, and then pulls a horn from his belt and starts blowing it as vigorously as he can. Undoubtedly he thinks that you killed the maid and are kidnapping Lady Chrysana, and is summoning reinforcements.

And, even worse, if Korthion and Cenorix happen to show up…

You need to get away from here, now.

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4 thoughts on “Ghost Rage, Episode 10a- Vote Now!

  • ladysaotome

    ” and after realizing his limited command of Kyracian might misinterpret that”


    So far we’re doing pretty good!

    • All things considered, I suppose we are! We’ve discovered a way to ward off a mavrokh, and we’ve got our hands on someone brimming with info, and we only died in one alternate universe so far.

      Are the rooftops in this part of the city the sort that a non-superspy like Moresti can navigate? Is he still tipsy, or has the terror sobered him up?

      • jmoellerwriter

        Malarae has a roughly Mediterranean climate. So, for the rooftops, think something along the lines of ancient Pompeii, or an Imperial Roman villa. Though the roof of Lord Karbonos’s townhouse is five stories off the ground.

        Moresti is drunk, but Caina suspects he is capable of getting much drunker and keeping his feet.


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